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HIPAA Compliant Websites

Although there may not be an “official” certification for HIPAA, we have taken the courses and we are very careful with how sensitive medical data is handled, and in fact by design, our websites don’t actually hold or process medical information, so there’s no concern for a potential leak of sensitive medical data from our websites.

In some cases it’s useful to have certain forms on the website be HIPAA compliant, and in these cases then we work with our clients to use an approved service to transmit the sensitive data.

You can rest assured that we take the privacy of your patients’ data very seriously and don’t cut corners with handling that data and we avoid receiving it in any way.

Your Website Is Safe With Us

One can never be too careful when it comes to our online security and accounts.

To do our part to protect your website, first of all, we don’t store any sensitive information on the website.

Many are concerned about “website breaches” that may leak their patients information, but we don’t have or store any of that, so there’s nothing at risk.

What is important to keep safe, is the content on the website, so that it doesn’t get hacked and then perhaps changed to something you don’t want on your website.

To protect your site from this, we use only high quality themes and plugins for the website itself, and also specific plugins on the website that help protect the website against attempts at hacking.  

Our servers are also top of the line and from trusted companies in the industry.

The bottom line is, your website is safe with us.

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Medical SEO

Beautiful Website

Medical PPC (Pay Per Click) Advertising

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